what to wear when wandering the irish bogs.

Still reeling over my trip to Achill Island the other week.

While I was in Ireland (and the UK) again last week, I wasn’t able to take many photos (thus, the re-living of the Irish countryside through these images).

Both Dublin and London were festive, the streets dressed for the holidays with twinkling lights and bountiful garlands.

Both cities felt like the holidays, too. It was freezing. A stark difference from NYC, which reached a temperature of 70 degrees yesterday.

As much as I love the warm sun, I am looking forward to the impending chill. I am ready to don my coat and winter boots, like I was able to in Ireland.

If you are ever exploring the Irish countryside, take it from me. Wear a warm long coat (protection from the tall grasses) and a comfortable scarf (for extra warmth – and the ability to shield your face and hair when the inevitable rain storm surprises you).

And don’t forget thick, sturdy boots (for walking through the wet bogs, of course).

Shot on Achill Island. Wearing: Dolce & Gabbana black wool coat, Brown Thomas patterned scarf, American Apparel black hoodie, Frye combat boots.