
new beginnings.

The beginning of a new year tends to encourage a time for self reflection. As one year comes to a close, one considers the lessons learned over the past twelve months, evaluates the goals that were achieved that year, and contemplates what is ahead in the coming year.

I had plenty of time to reflect on these topics over the holidays. Following a very exciting and busy November and December (that left little time for blogging... and more importantly sleeping), I escaped to Saint Lucia for a much needed break from reality.

With its relaxing sandy beaches, warm aqua water, and absolutely stunning sunsets, Saint Lucia provided me with the perfect environment to reflect and recuperate.

I realized that 2013 taught me two incredibly important lessons:

1. Appreciate and acknowledge the Now.

2. I have complete control over my success and happiness.

I look forward to all of the wonderful things 2014 will bring - and that I will create.

After all, to quote scientist Alan Kay: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Shot in Saint Lucia. All photos by Nicole Weiler.

beauty above and below.

Clouds are captivating. Constantly billowing across the vast skyline, rolling and tumbling with the breeze, transforming into curls and ribbons, these fluffy abstractions can entertain for hours and be read like Rorschach ink blots.


With my feet planted firmly upon the Earth, I am always looking up, admiring the view. While in flight, I am glued to the window, eating up the feast laid out for my eyes as the plane soars towards the heavens.


This past week I was fortunate to travel to San Francisco to work a private show. And while the clouds still held my attention, the world below also caught my eye.


Grid-like patterns formed by tiny pinpricks of light glowed beneath me. Snaky white rivers wound their way through quilted blocks of green and brown farmland. Orange curlicues of earth punctuated the deep cobalt sea and brown mountains rippled across the plains.

Nature's majesty can certainly take one's breath away.


And upon arriving at my destination, I discovered that the view from there wasn't too bad either.